Saturday 13 July 2013

The comeback

Hello everyone. Regular readers of this blog will note that I haven't posted for a few months and for you fans out there, I apologise for that. However, I would like to use this forum to talk about something that happened to me recently.

I returned to Japan about a month ago and last night when it seemed about 1000% humidity and I was literally swimming in my clothes I questioned that decision but I digress.

I'm reading a book, well I've just started it really. Basically what it is saying is that it only takes a minute to change your life. That sounds all very dramatic, doesn't it but it is true. Usually something will happen, or someone will say something or you will have an epiphany  and you are forced into action.

I had that the other day, I won't go into details but someone said something to me that really got to me and I thought about it and the more I thought about it the more I wanted to do something, not to prove this person wrong but to prove to myself that I can do things if I put my mind to it.

So as the book says I had that one minute where I thought f**k, I better change here. I know that it is slow process and things won't happen over night but if I remember that minute and what was said to spark me then I should be on the right track.

That is the secret as I wrote above, it is to keep remembering that moment and to act on that because if you don't and if I don't you and I might as well go and live in a cave somewhere and only come out to hunt deer and collect wild berries.

For those of you who are curious to what the book is I'm reading here is a link to it on Amazon. As I said I'm only a short way through it but hopefully this book and what was said to me the other will provide that spark to bigger and better things.

Watch this space!!!

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