Sunday 4 November 2012

There is no such thing as a free lunch

I was reading this article today about how Kim Dotcom wants to build a new internet link from America to New Zealand and in doing so provide individuals in New Zealand with free internet. Sounds good to me. At the moment, New Zealand has some of the highest internet rates in the world, so it would be welcome especially amongst us Kiwis who are, lets says, careful with money. It comes from our Scottish heritage, just in case anybody is wondering.

So what else can we provide free? What other services could be provided free of charge to the consumer. Lets see:

1. Air travel. Now before you start telling me that you are crazy and get your head out of the clouds let me just explain that on this website they were offering flights from Christchurch to Palmerston North and vice versa for $0. That is not a typo, it was $0. How can they justify that and why don't they have that throughout the year? I just couldn't understand it. Are people who fly been ripped off? I don't know but if they have $0 seats then maybe we are.

2. In Palmerston North, if you are a student or a staff member of Massey University then you are eligible for free bus services. Sounds quite good, doesn't it? Unfortunately if you are not a student then you have to pay full fare. What about people who pay taxes etc who have had a connection with Massey University? We would like the same courtesy. Don't we count?

3. If internet is going to be free then can individual homes get a get a free telephone line. Still pay for your calls but you get the telephone line for free. Part of Kim Dotcom's plan is to have free internet for homes but charge businesses and the government. Why not the same for telephone? C'mon Telecom, what can you do for us?

4. Lunches for primary schools. When I was teaching in public junior high schools in Japan, everyday we would get lunch. It was generally three days a week with rice and two days a week with bread. They varied the menu about quite a bit and it was interesting. Do you think New Zealand schools could do something like that? We hear stories about children going to school hungry and having nothing to eat, this would change that.

5. No fees on ATM. Please those banks out there, you are taking our money and making money of it lending it out to other people at good interest rates, why should we be charged for using your ATM's? Can't you give us that service for free?We are giving you quite a bit of our money, your interest rates are not the best at the moment for savings. Cut the ATM fees please.

6. I've heard that overweight baggage is a relic from a bygone era where the technology wasn't as it was today and they had weigh the bags carefully. Apparently it doesn't apply today so why do some people get charged big money? Surely within reason you can let us go with a fe overweight bags.

7. Do we have to pay for a cat or dog? Now, I'm not a big animal fan but it is beyond me how some people pay big money for a domestic pet.

8. Television licences. I know that in New Zealand that this has been abolished. I think that it was 1999 when they scrapped it. In Japan they have it which is about 15000 yen a year but not may people pay it because of scandals involving the state broadcaster, NHK. Abolish it all together Japan. A lot of people pay for satellite television, so why should pay for programs that are funded by our taxes?

9. Corkage? Why do we have to pay for drinking wine in a BYO restaurant? It doesn't make sense. They don't even open it for you. You open it. Sorry, this one is beyond me too.

10. This is a dig about a certain part of New Zealand culture. Why does the birthday person have to shout? I just don't understand that. Surely the birthday person should be getting a birthday cake etc from other people. They should be getting it free, not forking out for heaps of money for their colleagues who may not even like the birthday person. New Zealand, this is a weird custom.

Can you think of any more ideas?

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