Tuesday 16 October 2012

I believe I can fly.

Yesterday, one of the main news stories around the world was the jump made by Felix Baumgartner. I was fascinated by the whole thing and watched quite a few news stories on the Internet last night. I still don't understand what the scientific benefits of the jump are but I'm sure there are some.

Apparently Felix Baumgartner said that his daredevil jumps are now behind him and he wants to become a helicopter pilot. That sounds good and I'm sure that he will make a great pilot. What else can he do? What will you like to see him do? I have a few ideas and here they go:

1. Hanglide off the top of Mount Everest.

2. Jump off the top of Roppongi Hills in Tokyo,Japan. (This is more for the reaction of the Japanese authorities who traditionally are not happy to support anything like that.)

3. I know that he has flown across the English Channel so I would quite like to see him fly across the Cook Strait. That would be cool. He could start in the South Island and land in Lambton Quay across the road from the Beehive.

4. Do something off the top of the Eiffel Tower. Some kind of real James Bond stunt. That would be awesome.

5. It would be cool for him to fly off the Ayers Rock in his Red Bull get up. Although in writing that it may be that there are cultural restrictions on that.

6. The next one is similar to the Cook Strait stunt but something like flying between the pillars of Hercules would be quite interesting. Flying from the Rock of Gibraltar to some peak in North Africa would be quite historical.

7. Yesterday's jump was amazing but I would like to know how far away from the original take off point did he land. My point is if he took off from a Pacific Ocean island or atoll, would he be able to land there too?

8. No jump resume would be complete without jumping off a building in Dubai. Isn't there a building 800 meters high in Dubai?

9. Flying from the high rises on Hong Kong Island to Kowloon would be a real eye opener and you can bet your house that there would be thousands watching it from the water and it would be very spectacular.

10. This is not really a sky dive but a bungy jump would be cool for him to do. Imagine if yesterday was a bungy jump. It would have had huge bungy cord.

I would just like to say that I would never do any of these. The daredevils can do it all themselves.

Finally if anyone can tell me what happened to the ballon with the capsule carrying Felix Baumgartner I would love to know.

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