Saturday 6 October 2012


10 ways to get back your mojo:

1. Accept responsibility for the fact that you are in your current position because of you no one else. Once you and I can accept that then we can take it one step at a time to get back to where we want to be.

2. Go somewhere. Take a few days off and go away to relax and be by yourself. Of course you are going to meet people along the way and possible start something great. Hmmm, where can I go? Wellington? Taupo? Napier? I could even get on a plane and go to Auckland. The destinations are endless.

3. Start doing some regular exercise. I think for me this is crucial. I have found in the past that if I can do this everything else goes along for the ride. Being active is the key.

4. Another idea is that you could start to learn something new. You may have always wanted to try something new and when you did it you found that it just wasn't for you. My example was about three years ago I wanted to learn the guitar. I always had. However, when I finally had lessons I found that it just wasn't what I was expecting. It wasn't me. Much to my friend's enjoyment. He has given me grief about since. But, hey that's OK, you have to give your freinds something to make fun of you from. I should be looking for something else to try.

5. You could have an awesome feed. It isn't good for the diet but sometimes having something good or in some cases naughty to eat can lift your spirits. Of course this solution is like finding it at the bottom of a beer bottle but if you don't over do it I can't see any reason why it can't help you.

6. See out the advice of a good friend. Sometimes and in my case it is true, your friends know you better than anyone else. They can lend a helpful ear to your problems. They can offer solutions or in some cases even though it is difficult to hear they can give you a hurry up.

7. Why not set aside time to daydream? This can be good to activate your imagination. It may be the fuel you need to get yourself going.

8. Some people suggest to get creative. They say to put some music in your iPod or whatever MP3 player you have and go for a walk. Sometimes just doing that can help you a lot and by just focusing on a walk can bring up things that an help you in your other areas of your life.

9. I have meditation good in helping me relax and concentrate but like a lot of things in my life I haven't yet created it as a daily habit in my life. On the precious few times i have done it I find that I become more relaxed and more productive.

10. The hardest part is taking that first step, the next hardest part is taking that second step. Can you see where I am going with this? This has been my problem for a long time. I take the first step all guns blazing, then I take another step and a few more then I grow bored and maybe even disillusioned and for away when I should be taking another steps. I must admit that sometimes I subconsciously think that taking the first step is good enough. That is terrible thinking and something that I should get rid of.

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