Friday 26 October 2012

Is this working out for you?

Dear the manager of the Jetts gym in Palmerston North, New Zealand.

I have been a member of your gym for the past six months or more and because I didn't have to lock in to a contract or pay everything up front and because it is very cheap to use your facilities I have used the gym on a number of occasions and for what I wanted, it is fine.

However, no one or nothing is perfect so I would like to give you ten ideas in which I think that you can give users a better experience over all.

1. The showers need to be cleaned on a semi regular basis. I don't think they are disgusting they could just be that little bit cleaner. The shower curtain especially needs to be washed maybe every second or third day. It can get quite disgusting if people don't leave the door open or if it has high usage over the week.

2. I hate it when people use machines for seats. They do a set which lasts for ten seconds and then sit for three minutes. I know that I could just go up when I want to use the machine but you never know what reception you are going to get. Please police that better. I know that every gym in the world you will get people doing that so it's not a new problem but it would just be good if we can stop it.

3. The paper towels that you use for cleaning the machines are in my mind ridiculous. Is it not viable to provide towels at each station so that they can be cleaned down that way? Are you worried that they will be stolen by people? I suppose it is Palmerston North after all. We do have stupid people in this town.

4. The little cubby holes that you use for people putting their belongings in are not the best. These need to be lockers. I know that you have security cameras and things but one of these days, either something will be taken by mistake and that person may not bother returning it or something will be stolen. It is just a matter of numbers. Put in lockers in which you put your stuff in and get a key with a band around it so you can wrap it around your wrist.

5. Are steppers out of fashion? Have those cross trainers taken over? In the past I have, I wouldn't say enjoyed them but have always got a good workout on them. Why are there none in our gym? You have the rowing machines, which I quite like by the way. I can see the benefits of them but no steppers. that I don't understand.

6. How well patrolled are the car parks for our gym? I know that Jetts has six car parks dedicated for the gym but I have seen many times people parking there and going off into The Plaza for a spot of shopping. Is it possible to get them towed or fined on a more frequent basis? People in the service industry have to realise that the whole experience is important. Just by asking, "how's your day been?" is not a great example of customer service.

7. I don't know the role of the people who work at Jetts but it would be quite nice if they are surveying the work out room occasionally rather than standing with their backs to the room using the computers. If I am doing something wrong on a machine it would be nice to know especially from a safety standpoint.

8. Is it possible to have the windows in the corner by the traffic lights to be blacked out? It can quite disconcerting if you are in that area and people are staring at you through the windows while you are doing your sit ups. It is nice to look outside sometimes but every Tom, Dick and Susan doesn't need to know what you are doing.

9. This is not a new idea but something like the boot camp that you had starting June was a good idea but I think that the price was quite prohibitive for a lot of the gym's members. Please do have something like that but keep the costs down.

10. Could you put a seat in the shower rooms? I know that there is not a lot of room in there but having something like that would make it a little bit easier for everyone. I know for certain I would be one of the first people to thank you if you did that.

I know that Jetts is a franchise system and you are dictated by what you can and can't do by head office but maybe you can take some of these ideas to the suits in Auckland or Australia or whether the decisions are made.

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